PASA is a non profit member driven association that is dedicated to promoting and preserving the Kiteboarding Industry. One way that we accomplish this is by establishing Measurable Skill Levels.
Get Certified as a Kiteboarder Level 1, 2, or 3 and Get the Card!
You must find a PASA Certified Instructor. We have a list of PASA Certified Instructors on this website listed alphabetically by state. A level 1 Instructor can only certify you as a level one kiteboarder. To be certified as a level 2 or 3 kiteboarder, you must be certified by a Level 2 or Level 3 Instructor.
Next, contact the instructor via this website to set up a time and location that they can verify your skill level. We have a contact form on the instructor profile screen so you can leave them a message.
If you need to take a lesson to obtain the skills, find a PASA Certified Instructor on this website!
You will then need to sign up as a PASA Kiteboarder on this website. Pay your membership dues of $15.00 and have a PASA Certified Instructor sign off your skill level to verify this. You simply need to put the name of a PASA Certified Instructor that is in good standing and can verify your skill level.
Why Get Certified?
You will be issued a Certification Card showing your skill level. This measurable skill level makes it easy to travel to different kiteboarding locations and different schools. The unified measurable skill level makes it easy to see your progression and the skills you have obtained.
Qualify for Kiteboarding Rentals by having a measurable skill level card.
Access to some kiteboarding spots is restricted to those with a basic level of kiteboarding skill. Your PASA card is literally a “boarding pass” to get you in to popular kiteboarding spots.
Receive a $20.00 discount off a premium membership on
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