There are 2 types of PASA certified Schools You need to decide which type your school is.
- The Small Business Flight School (SBFS). Your school fits into this type of school if it’s business level is such that you teach approximately 200 or less Student Lesson Days (SLDs) per year. If you teach more than 200 SLDs per year, then your access to liability insurance is likely more affordable if you go directly to the RRRG for your liability insurance. If you teach LESS than 200 SLDs per year, then your liability insurance if you go directly to the RRRG may be prohibitive in cost. Scroll down for an explanation of an SLD and how to best determine your business level.
- The Large Business Flight School (LBFS). You likely fit into this type of flight school if your school does a level of business that creates more than 200 SLDs per year. If (using the information on how to calculate your level of business below) you think you’re in the 200 SLDs range of business, you should contact the RRRG directly to calculate the cost of buying your insurance directly through them – rather than it be being a benefit of SBFS membership dues.
Definition of an SLD:
An SLD is defined as one (1) student being taught for any part of one (1) calendar day. For purposes of adding up your SLD’s you stop counting any student once you have counted five (5) SLD’s for that student during the same PASA membership year.
What this means is that if you have a student that is in a training program that requires more than five (5) days of training, you will not count more than 5 SLDs for that student over the course their training during the same PASA membership year.
Here are a few examples:
- You teach one (1) student on 3 different calendar days (or any part thereof) during the same PASA membership year: This counts as 3 SLDs.
- You teach four (4) students on any single calendar day (or any part thereof): This counts as 4 SLDs
- You teach one (1) student on seven (7) different calendar days (or any part thereof) during the same PASA membership year: This counts as 5 SLDs.
Using the above examples, you should be able to review your past records to predict the upcoming business and calculate your SLDs based upon your Teaching Activity Level.
The vast majority of schools fit into the SBFS category.
To read more about each level and the PASA costs involved, click below: